Opening the CircleI regard each session, whether individual or group, as ceremony. There are ways to cultivate sacred space when we are stepping forward with intention and asking for help. Just like the Earth's rhythms have a way of opening and closing, beginning and ending, I invite us to step into the space by centering, respectfully acknowledging, and calling in supports. This may look different for each person. Indeed, part of our work together may explore what this might include for you.
PláticasEspecially with individual sessions, much of our time will focus on the plática, which is a heart-to-heart talk that is a hallmark of practice in curanderismo. This is how we listen for your intention and notice what is getting in the way. I want to hear your stories, your longings. I want to know where you get stuck. As you speak, I will pause you often. In curanderismo, knowledge flows from the bottom up--from the Earth, the great field of connection, and up through our bodies. I pause you to give us time to notice and feel into what is happening as you speak. Embedded in your story are the glimmers from the web of support beckoning with guidance.
LimpiasOur plática helps us listen for what is growing and needing tending in you. Any time we do this work, we stir up the energies, and it is important to leave time to end our session with a limpia. The limpia is a ritual of energetic cleansing and blessing. Just as we sweep our living spaces and tend to the dusty corners, so too we practice clearing out the stuck energies and muck that are no longer serving. We call in the blessings of the web of creation and we thank and release the supports that have been present for our work. We step back into the everyday rhythms of life, curious to notice what continues to emerge.
The work of the medicina is rooted in ways of knowing that flow from the web of creation. Our mainstream world is dominated by linear, empirical ways of knowing. These ways of knowing are undeniably important. However, when it comes to matters of the soul, these approaches can get in the way, cutting us off from all the support and knowledge available to us from the Earth, ancestors, and the web of belonging. Connecting to the support from the field of belonging requires that we use our other faculties--otras facultades. We employ our creativity, intuition, bodies, our ritual sensibilities. Everyone's way is different. Our pláticas will lead to practices to support you in this exploration. I have some practices that can be helpful, but you will also discover your own pathways.
Maybe you will create altars, make land offerings, cook for the ancestors, begin a personal practice of limpias, grow certains plants, pray, discover a devotional practice, work with Oracle cards or Tarot, chant, draw, play in the sand. Let us listen to what is your path with the medicina. |
©2024 Alicia Enciso Litschi, The Wayward Curandera
All rights reserved. Contact me at [email protected] |